Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Remodeled Ear Muffs

Voila! Lukas' new ear muffs (total amount spent: $2)

Old ear muffs ($1 each)
Used clothes with design of your choice or faux fur if your baby is a girl
Sewing needle

I used onesies given my sister in law Kareen, hand-me-down infant hat from my nephew Liam and our old ear muffs ($1 each) that we purchased last year at the dollar store.

Simple steps:

1. Cut out circles from the fabric of your choice. Follow the size of the ear muffs in making your circles or you may use a cardboard template for your circles before cutting the fabric.

2. Cut about 2 inches thick strip and wrap the curvature. You can anchor it by sewing the fabric to the old ear muffs.

3. Attach the circles, front side facing the other front side. Sew a zigzag stitch along the edges of the fabric. Put an allowance so that the ear muff can fit in. 

4. After sewing the edges, invert the fabric to show the good side of it.  

5. Insert the ear muff and stitch the remaining edge.  

6. Repeat steps 1,3,4&5 on the other side.  

Stay warm!
Lukas wont allow his ears to be preyed by winter's frigid winds.

Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold. Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds and nothing I desire compares with you.

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